One Who Can't Leave

The park usually runs smoothly. Guests come in with a smile and they leave with one. They never complain, they just order what ever they need, ride the rides and be on their way. However today was different.

Victor strolled around his office looking out to the blackness around him and then down at the park where the guests moved around like specks of dust. He had talked to a few of them here and there, but they never had anything of substance to say. He looked toward the garden area where a small group was gather. Strange, nothing was scheduled. He decided to take a look. As he went to open the door it opened with a panting Sid.

“Sir there is a guest” he took in a big breathe of air “and they are” he stopped and looked around to try and find the word “unhappy” Victors face broke out into a grin

“Unhappy?” He walked past him laughing “Unhappy you say? Something different? Let go see shall we. To the park area. Victor and Sid flew down the elevator and walked to the crowd. As they approached they could hear a man screaming.. He was a large thing. Horns sprouting from his head in all directions, dark deep blue skin that seemed to glow and wild teeth jetting from its mouth. As they approached the man snapped his head towards their direction and met Victors eyes. They held more then one pupil and all of them seemed sinister. He had never seen such a thing. Sure they were all sort of monstrous looking, but this was a real monster.

Victor rose his hands.

“Sir, I hear you are unhappy in our park, what is the matter?”

The monster whirled its arms around yelling some more till it pointed towards him.

“I can’t find the exit to this place” it yelled.

Victor rose his brows and turned to look straight toward the large cavernous opening that held the word Exit in huge letters above it.

“Well, an easy fix. The exit is just that way” With his answer the monster howled and thew insults at him in languages that he didn’t know.

“I see that, but when I go through, I come back through there” It pointed toward the entrance. Victor peered toward the entrance then turned to the exit. He could not leave either. The monster was growing impatient, but Victor was shaking. Another creature besides him that could not leave. He spotted in the distance a single black cloud. The sound around him started to muffle and things started to move slowly losing their color. The monster stayed with him though, spinning around and wondering what was happening. The Owner stepped out of the entrance gate followed by his guards. The monster and Victor turned to face him as he approached. The Owner smiled at them putting out his hands to his guards to stay back.

“Ah, Victor , still doing a fine job. I believe this one “ he pointed to the monster which grew agitated “Is on me”

The monster bared its teeth and growled at the Owner “I’ve seen you before, no good, cheating bastard”

The Owner put his hands up as to surrender.

“Oh, you wound me” the Owner smiled.

The monster swung its arm back and it extended far more then it should be able to as if it was made out of elastic, its claws grew longer and it whipped with its whole body to swing towards the Owner. The claw stopped just before it hit him. The Owner held his right palm infront of him and stopped the attack a few inches away. The Owner was still smiling, but with a smile that Victor had never seen. A wicked sinister smile. Crazy, mad, beastly like. The Owners eyes had also changed, they glowed like blue sapphires. His ears started ringing and it became louder and louder.


Victor gasped for air and spun around.

“What just happened?” He looked at Sid ”Where did the Owner go? The monster? What just happened?” The color and sound had come back to his surroundings and it overloaded him.

“I-I don’t know sir, you were just standing here, is everything okay” Victor looked at him with a crazed look

“No, not at the moment” and he stormed off back to his office. The workers chatted and stared as he stormed past them and into his office. As soon as his doors closed behind him a familiar voice spoke.

“Ah sorry Victor, sort of a mess up on my end.” Victor looked around to see where the voice was coming from and then at his desk with his feet up sat the Owner. His smile shined through as if nothing was wrong. A completely trusting face with innocent eyes. How did he maintain such a stance, who was he?

“Stop” he unraveled his legs from the table and stood “No need to worry about my mishap. The thing that crept up into the carnival was something that I was chasing for a while. My mess spilled over into your domain. Again my sincere apologies.”

“What happened down there? You stopped time, took what ever that thing was on by yourself.” The Owner put his hand up to try and stop the questioning “What am I doing here? What is all this ? How come I can’t leave?” Victor moved closed to the Owner. His anger was raising with his curiosity. “What do you want me to do?”

The Owner never flinched. His stance never changed. He just stood smiling, nodding with each question.

“My dear Victor. You are doing a fantastic job. All I ask is that you continue. If situations, like today, get out of hand. I’ll take care of them. Not a problem.” He moved off to the window to look out over the park. “Other things call for my attention Victor. We will see each other again.” Reality skipped a frame and in that small fraction, the Owner skipped out of his view. Victor slowly sat this desk and turned to over look the park.

The guests, specs of dust moved about, unbothered. But he sat looking down at them. Terribly bothered.

I just did an interview with my sister on her amazing podcast Citrus & Sun, check it out! She has over 100 great episodes. While on there I talked about how alot of my stories are stand alone. Which they are, but what do you know. Here is one (and the next story to come out) are connected to past stories. If I have multiple entries in a universe this usually means that I have beginning , middle and an end to the story.

We return to the carnival floating in an ocean of Oil with our CEO Victor trying to figure out how he got there and what might be going on. The Owner is new to the story and maybe you can pick up who he really is. What might be out there, what is even going on? Why is it soooo boring here ?!

Not everything infront of you is telling you its secrets. Sometimes you have to observe a little closer.


The Beginning - Floating Carnival


Flashes erupted from out of the small wooden cabin at the edge of the forest. Bullets impacted around them as they sprinted along the railroad track.

“You okay Mary?” a man ducked behind a mining cart and started to reload his own revolver. His skin was a dark brown, scars over his forearms that were exposed from his rolled up white shirt. His eyes glimmered, peered over at her, they shined purple sapphire. Mary checked her own rifle, making sure it was topped up and ready. She tipped her wide brim hat at him from the mining cart next to his.

“Okay and ready. Remember what you promised me Victor” She said. Victor smiled and tipped his cowboy hat at her in return. He moved to the edge of the cart and peaked around to see the small cabin. A shot rang out at him hitting the rail track igniting the air with sparks. He edged again and looked towards the forest. One gun doesn’t mean a lone gun. Victor motioned for them to move deeper into the mining complex. He pulled something from his belt, turned a dial and threw it towards the cabin.

They both waited a moment then a explosion of light shielded them from the sight of the cabin and they both bolted for the large open door.

“Clear it” Victor shouted as he saw Mary enter before him. She moved fast, gliding into the building, knees slightly bent with the rifle ready. Her eyes scanned the interior. Coal frozen in a water fall down a large metal chute cut the room in half, to the right side of the room was a metal stair way up to an office that looked like it over looked where the cabin was, and to the left was a train track that snaked deeper into the building. Victor swept himself inside and immediately moved towards the steps and office. Even in his heavy cowboy boots he moved silently up the stairs and slithered through in. Mary followed up behind him watching the entrance they had came in from.

The office was lit by an array of large square windows. Half were broken or missing, most in the center remained. As Mary entered the office she stopped as Victor crouched near an over turned desk.

They listened. Wind brushed the trees outside and the autumn leaves shook, the rustling and the shining sun would be a perfect day in normal circumstances. Birds could be heard through out the forest and animals which had become accustom to violence of man and monster moved about their day. Besides that, all was quiet. Victor moved just in front of the window to the right, while Mary moved to the left.

They sat motionless ears sharpened to to the air. The cabin sat to the right of the windows across a set of train tracks that rode along the side of the building. All around it a forest stretched to the mountains behind. In the woods left of them a crack of a branch came. Victor stood immediately and his pistol rang out three shots. A howl from man came from the woods.

The stillness returned, but now the moaning of a dying man joined the sounds of nature. Mary peaked over the windows to the cabin. She couldn’t be sure that who ever was in there had moved or that they remained,waiting. Their position was now known. She heard something rustling in the trees behind the cabin. The trees behind shook and broke as something monstrous approached the back of the cabin. A man shouted and shots started haphazardly in panic. Victor scanned the tree line and then moved to get the cabin in his sights with Mary. More shots illuminated the cabin and then the front door burst open.

A man bloodied, stumbled out onto the train tracks. Victor raised his hand to steady Mary. Following him like a amalgamation of flesh and blood a monster slipped through the door. It’s large figure pushing itself through cracking the frame and moving out into the open. It stood tall in the sun light. Multiple of wild arms protruding from it’s cyst like body. A head bulging from a mass of muscle and tissue roared out at the man, with teeth that seemed to be jagged and thick. It had two legs, but one was expanded and flat like an elephants foot, when it moved towards the man it stumbled forward unhindered by its awkward stance. One of the multitude of arms reached out and slashed at the man as he tried his best to reload with missing fingers. Another scream as the razor nails dug into his right shoulder and the mass was upon him. Victor put down his hand and Mary took aim.

Her shot hit him right between the eyes. His suffering for now had ended.

The monster pulled the body apart in a rage and turned to them. Then it ran to the left.

“Oh shit” Victor moved towards the entrance of the office to the metal stairs. He had miscalculated the speed. The monster gripped the sides of the large opening where they had come in and stomped into the coal. It let out a roar that shook the metal of the building and the glass panes in the office. Mary broke one of the inside facing windows and started levering her rifle putting as many bullets as possible into the monster. It took each one with a flinch, but seemed un-bothered.

“Time to run, to the door on the other side of the office” Victor said as he pulled a stick that had a cylinder at the end of it. He gave it a quick jerk motion and spikes deployed all around the metal cylinder. He pulled a pin, stepped forward and let the device fly towards the mass. The spikes dug themselves into its shoulder. The monster tried to shake it off, but as it proved not possible it screamed and launched itself at them.

Victor stepped back and they both moved towards the door. He put his weight into it and turned the handle.

It was locked.

Mary was reloading her rifle and he started to slam himself against the door. The monsters arms sprawled out inside the office door where they had entered. He could hear the hiss of the device.

“Move” Mary took aim at the door handle and poured her shots into it. Victor slammed into it once more and the door swung heavily open. Mary followed behind and they ran as quickly as they could down the hallway. The explosion dropped them down to the floor. The whole building erupted in vibration and shook the dust and coal into a whirlwind. The office which they had taken refuge lay in ruin. Flesh, bone and blood plastered the walls and ceilings and sprayed out across the tracks outside.

They both sat up and propped against the wall inside the hall.
“You all right?” Victor breathed heavily checking himself for any damage.

“Yeah, I think so” Mary checked herself over as well “That was close Victor, way to close”

Victor checked his revolver and reloaded to full “Just the way we like it” He smiled, pushing the chamber back into place and giving it a spin.

The cabins door had been broken off and the frame cracked in a large circle. In the middle of the floor it sat. A puddle of black blood and white ash pulsed from the floor boards. It smelled of burnt flesh and smokey ash mixed with acrid candles. Victor knelt down and pushed his arm into the pulsating pool until it came to his elbow. His body jerked and tensed and he strained against some invisible force that was reeling him in. He pulled against it, eyes closed, veins bulging on his neck and through his arm. He shook his head, waving away something that was calling him, then taunting him. He let out a small growl and clenched his teeth and extracted his arm from the pool. It pulsed, glowed brighter then dissipated into the air, leaving only a hole where it used to be.

He stepped back trying to catch his breathe in a a full sweat. “Okay, okay“ he steadied himself and Mary took his arm to support. “We go East. The mines are a dead end and so is the Bishop farm. The entity has to be past those, maybe Harmons Cornfield. We can chance it or find another rift get us closer.”

“Do you know what it is?”

“It’s the opposite of what we just killed, lots of legs. Crawls on the ceiling. I only got a glimpse.” He wiped his forehead with a cloth and pulled out a map. He crossed off the two locations and drew an arrow past them. They had lived through another encounter. How many more? He looked at Mary, her eyes in full determination. He steeled his thoughts and returned the eyes back to her. A monster needed to be banished.

Hunt Showdown is a favorite game of mine. The world, the game play and the whole experience is different than anything else out there at the moment. It recently just got an update and I have been playing a lot of it. I envisioned these two characters. Mary is like a typical western female archetype. Strong willed, full of surprises, resourceful and willing to get in there and fight. Victor, is modeled after Boyd Stevens from the show From. A man with a sense of justice, resourcefulness, an iron will for survival and able to get through basically anything thrown at him. While I take a look at them now and gather where they came from, in reality I was daydreaming one day and they both were just paling around with each other in this world. This story would take part earlier in their journey together. There is a deal struck between them, that not only will push them deeper into a terrifying world, but bring together an incredible duo.

Go check out Hunt Showdown 1896, play it for sure, but even reading the plethora of lore or stories from the game is incredible.

Happy Hunting!

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Floating Carnival

At first he thought he might be dreaming. In the distance among the endless black sea, behind a veil of fog an outline of something rising out into the sky shown. He couldn’t move, his eyes narrowed and the tower became slightly clearer. A base and the tower, not a tower, but a lighthouse stood on it. It was the color of sand and peaked into the clouds. The top, from what he could see, had a cut out that stared at him, but no light shine through. It was daytime why would its lights be on? The sea’s thick black waves rose and fell covering the base from his sight and in a slow minute it faded into the fog as it came about. He stepped forward grasping for another sight of it. Another sight of something that shouldn’t be there, something that teased him, exposed a question to him that was never posed. And in the middle of his curiosity something switched in him and a voice posed a command. It said “Drain the Sea”.

He didn’t remember getting promoted to CEO of the Carnival. Victor worked hard at his job and when the opportunity came up he accepted with out thought. He no longer left the park at night. He was given the penthouse in the steel and glass tower that over looked the entire island. He now had rows of perfect fitting black suits and white shirts with multicolored skinny ties. Pants made out of the finest material and shoes shined so spotless and clean that he could style his hair in them. The penthouse had everything he would need. Bed , kitchen , office and even a gym. He dressed for the day and combed his black hair to the side, trying to avoid his horns. It was still a bit messy, but had definition to it at least. It was earlier in the morning and he looked down toward the entrance to see the employees starting to enter the Carnival. He went down one level to where his executive staff worked. As he exited and walked towards his office he was greeted by Sarah. The company ran the entire Island, which was the Carnival. He had a second in command, but in reality it might as well be Sarah. She was his receptionist, but she could handle any task that came her way with a cheerful glee that was infectious. Her hair was pink that came into curls just above her shoulders. She always wore a shade of purple on her lips to match her hair. Red eyes glittered at him as he approached.

She stood up giving him a large smile “Good morning Sir” she said handing him some folders.

“Please, call me Victor” he laughed taking the folders and entered his office. She wouldn’t call him by his name, but he always tried. His office was right under his bed room. Floor to ceiling windows ran each of the “walls” only one side had any view. The other looked out into the endless black sea and clouded horizon.

Victor looked out past he carnival into the endless black ocean. He gazed hoping for another glance. Sarah approached from behind and stood next to him looking out.

“Sarah have you -“ he paused and rubbed his eyes “Never mind”

She looked at his reflection in the window. His dark amber eyes peered out intently. She knew what he was going to ask. She had seen it too. The same day he had seen it. She saw him breathless staring out of the windows one day. She looked and at first didn’t see anything, but then. Out there. Floating in just beyond the fog. A lighthouse. For just a moment. She knew she was seeing what he saw. She went to say something, but closed her mouth. Maybe one day.

“I will get you some tea sir, please try and relax for a moment” she said giving a small bow and leaving the room. Victor peeled him self from his window. It would show up again. One day, it would appear and when it did. He would go to it.

Inspired by the large windows in my old office. It over looked a large garden and the windows filled the whole suite. I often pictured a lit up ferris wheel rotating by and then the black ocean itself.