Magic Shop Buyout

The door opened and the bell sounded as a man stepped in. Suzy turned up from the inventory sheet to see who had entered their magic shop. A place of crystals, tarot, psychic readings and all the herbs and mystic incense you could find. All wrapped in a modern yet charming shop that had a fake tree branching off one wall and covering the ceiling with plastic autumn leaves. She moved from the counter to the front of the store.

“Hello, can I help you find something” she smiled apprehensively.

The man wore a black leather jacket, black hair in a modern greaser style and was smacking gum to build a jaw of steel. He was tall and in good shape with wide shoulders.

He smiled through his chewing and picked up an obsidian obelisk “Yeah yeah, this protect against negative things?”

“uh, yes, it can help ward off negative energy and - “

He grabbed a basket and threw the crystal in and moved to some selenite and picked up one in the shape of a heart “this too?”

Suzy nodded and he threw it in the basket.

“Can I ask what you are needing them for?”

“You got anything to cleanse the space, like some santo, what do you call it, wood, you burn, peppermint smell” he bent down and and observed some more crystals.

“Palo santo?”

“Yeah, thats it, that and maybe something else, you know to compliment that. Something else to burn”

Suzy stopped and observed the man grab a few more crystals of different sorts and float up and down the isle seemly grabbing anything that caught his eye.

“Sage might do the trick” she finally said as she grabbed a bag of Palo Santo and then some sage “Do you know how to use these?”

The man waved his hand in the air “Light it on fire, blow it out and wave it around.” He saw a statue of Baphomet and threw it in his basket “As above, so below my buddy”

He heaved his basket to the counter and Suzy met him with the sage and Palo Santo. The mountain of items he had gathered were if she could describe a smörgåsbord of mystic crystals, statues and now incense.

“So you putting together a party or something” Suzy asked as she started to ring up the items. Never had she ever seen someone buy as many or varied items. She peeked up from the items and saw him staring at something past her.

He slipped his glasses down his nose revealing piercing spring green eyes. He stopped chewing for a moment and asked “Is that an eye of Amalgama?”

Suzy turned around and looked past a current that was half drawn into their rare gem section. On a large pedestal there was a sphere of hazy black with a slit of bright red crystal in the center of it. It looked as if a giant eye was starting at you from any direction. It had been at the shop for years after some one dropped it off in a hurry. It was rare and priceless.

She turned slowly back to him. “Yes, that is an Eye of Amalgama. Now tell me how you would know that”

“I’ll take it” He pushed his glasses back over his eyes and returned to smacking his gum “Sorta a collector, you know?”

Suzy crossed her arms “I’m not selling an Eye of Amalgama to some random guy buying up the whole store, spill it, what is all this for? You warding off demons?’

He stuck out his hand “Marshall Granton”

She shook his hand “Suzy”

He smiled “Good, not random anymore. What ever the price, just name it”

“One million”

“Done” Marshall took out his wallet and pulled out a black card.

Suzy threw out the number expecting him to decline. She had played her hand and now her bluff had been called.

“The eye is too valuable, we need to do some vetting first” She tried to dodge.

Marshalls face broke out in a large grin “Look, Suzy, I get it. Look a got a problem. Ghostly demon problem. Big house, some people in trouble, time and space not working in my favor, until now” he pointed to the Eye “Some major demon butt kicking needs to happen and that right there is my cement brick”

“I will loan it to you then, One million now, you get five hundred thousand back when returned.” Her eyebrow rose and this time she held out her hand “Do not shake if you cannot do it”

He nodded “If I don’t come back, money is the least of my problems” He took her hand and gave a hearty shake “You’re a life saver, multiple if I can pull this off.”

She rang up all his items, boxed and bagged them, then helped pack them all in a black classic Lincoln parked out front.

Marshall open the door to his car and looked over the top “Thank you again, you at least gave me a fighting chance.

Something in Suzy wondered. She had dealt with these things her whole life, but never face to face. Always on the sidelines. The vendor.

“Do you need help?” she heard herself say.

Marshall stood for a long moment between his open car door looking at her with what she could tell was a serious expression behind his glasses.

“If this works out Suzy, next time. Next time I will need help” He dropped into the front seat and the car door slammed behind him. The car glided out into the street and Suzy returned to the inside of the shop. It looked like it had been raided. Most of the shelves were now half empty and things were misplaced and out of order. It was going to be a long night. She went into the back to see what they had in reserve when she heard the front door bell chime.

“Welcome in, sorry for the state of the store, just restocking”

Suzy returned to the counter to see Marshall standing in the doorway, The Eye of Amalgama under his arm. The red eye was glowing furiously.

“Your help might be needed sooner then I thought” Marshall laughed nervously.

“You” a voice called from all directions. Suzy whipped around looking for the source. Marshall held up the eye “Girl, yes you” the eye pulsed with each word. “You are needed”

Marshall shrugged and smiled “What do you say? Offer still stands?”

Suzy rubbed her forehead “Oh boy”

I was in a magic shop recently with and a man came in and when the person in the shop asked what he needed he answered saying he needed something cleanse negative energy. I took this concept and dialed it up a bit. I thought it would be funny for a person that looks as if they would have nothing to do with crystals and magic asking and buying all sorts of things. I made up the Eye of Amalgama, but I thought it would look like a dark crystal version of the Eye of Sauron form Lord of the Rings.

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